KHATRI LINKS - Store your links!

Unlocked Links


1. What is SaveLinks?
It is a free service that helps you protect your links from inconvenient people or automated robots with security such as captcha and password. We will convert your links to direct links that will act as autoforwarders to your original links. In addition, we optionally provide you with the ability to limit access to those direct links with a CAPTCHA and/or password. This protection will appear on a protected page. We also offer you the opportunity to shorten a long website address.

2. How can I protect URL?
The easiest and most common way to protect links through our service is to go to our Home page, fill up the protect link field, and you will get an email within 3 hours with your links or we can provide you an account for instant adding links.

3. How can I delete/remove a protected link?
Just log in to your account and delete the post. You will get all post names with URLs.

4. What is the difference between a direct and a protected link?
A direct link is a simple forwarder to the original link you have inputted (using an HTTP redirection). Those direct links do not have any protection system. They are fully compatible with any download managers. A protected link will point to a security page where a CAPTCHA or a password form will be displayed and required to be completed in order to access direct/live links (original links) listing.

5. What are the benefits of registering an account?
A personal account will allow you to manage the protected links you create on our site. You will be able to edit, duplicate, and delete them. See your complete protected links history with an advanced search feature. You can search your submitted links with the protected URL or original filename.

6. How can I register an account?
Just click on the ‘Forgot Password’ link at the top right of the screen. You will be prompted by a small dialog and all you need to do is enter the correct email address and submit. Check your inbox to recover your username or password.

7. How can I report improper links?
If you are the holder of an intellectual property right or you are an agent of such, and you feel that a violates this right, you may send us a DMCA report by using the ‘Contact Us’ button. We make sure to handle these reports as quickly as possible. You can also use Contact Us to report links pointing to dangerous materials (viruses), illegal pornography, or anything used to cause harm to our users.

8. I still have questions, what should I do?
If you still have questions regarding our service, please don’t hesitate to contact us using the Contact Us page.